American Federation of Restorers
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What we believe in
The American Federation of Restorers is not just another property damage member organization. We're dedicated to the betterment of the property damage restoration industry in the US through reform, community, and education. We see to the welfare of frontline workers and homeowners.

Who we are

We are a large community of frontline restorers with a passion for making property damage restoration a Bonafide industry through reform, community, advocacy, standardized best practices, and education. Restoration is a skilled trade, and it should be treated as such.

We seek to address systemic issues that have plagued the industry and disproportionately benefitted select groups of individuals. The industry needs regulation. But we believe in self-regulation.

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A picture representing a large group of American Federation of Restorers members

What we do

We provide resources for our members and partners. These resources include advocacy, education, empowerment, representation, community, and more. We especially help the underrepresented groups in the restoration industry including frontline technicians and administrative staff, and homeowners--giving them a voice!

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A stock image representing an American Federation of Restorers representative shaking members' hands.


When you join, you become part of a unique group of individuals. As technicians and administrators, you're working on the front lines of the property damage restoration industry. Join your like-minded peers in support of one another. Membership is currently FREE and it's easy to join! Learn more about membership benefits and becoming a member of the American Federation of Restorers.

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A group of American Federation of Restorers members gathered together.
Restoring the Restoration Industry
Belong to something that is bigger than the individual
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