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Membership Benefits

Join a vast group of frontline restoration technicians, administrative staff, and advocates to help make the industry better for everyone! The community is bigger than the individual!
We advocate on behalf of the underrepresented in the restoration industry. This includes frontline technicians, administrative staff, and homeowners.
Access to Legal Counsel
Fair treatment is crucial for everyone. If you feel like you're being taken advantage by your employers through non-compete agreements and NDAs, we can help you acquire legal counsel.
We organize annual events and conferences for our members to foster networking and community along with American Federation of Restorers updates and changes in the industry.
Learning industry best practices is crucial to properly care for homeowners and their property. We help our members obtain formal education with real growth tracks and career progression structures like the other trades industries.
We speak on behalf of our members and represent them among business owners, insurance companies, stakeholders, and those of profound influence in the restoration industry.

We Are Our Members

The American Federation of Restorers (AFOR) is much bigger than the individual. Our strength is in our numbers. We are all restoration technicians and administrators united with the same purpose of "restoring" the restoration industry. We are on the frontlines assisting homeowners and putting them at ease during some of the most stressful moments of their lives.

By being united around this common goal, we're able to change the culture in the restoration industry while giving homeowners peace of mind through professionalism, quality service, and personal care. At the fundamental level, we all want to be part of something much bigger than ourselves. AFOR is a brotherhood of restorers from different backgrounds and from all walks of life. Historically, we've all been the outcasts in the industry. Join our community and do good while getting to know your like-minded peers!

Office administrator on the phone and restoration technicians in the bottom of the photo.
Restoring the Restoration Industry
Belong to something that is bigger than the individual
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